Rapid Eye Movement

Rapid Eye Movement
Rychlé pohyby očí

Czech Republic / 1998 / 70 min
Fiction, Experimental

Rapid Eye Movement
Rychlé pohyby očí

Czech Republic / 1998 / 70 min
Fiction, Experimental

Radim Špaček's psychological bit of autobiography is an experimental project unique in Czech cinematography. Strongly dreamlike stylization benefiting from a 1980's amateur esthetic goes beyond the films of the nineties. A young man named Poppy isn't able to get on socially or even have a relationship with his girlfriend Akja. After a stay in a psychiatric hospital he commits suicide and the film becomes a postmortem statement rigorously unfolding the story, scene by scene, from end to beginning.

Cast / Zuzana Stivínová , Zdeněk Čížek , Michal Benovič , Štěpán Žežula , Martin Dohnal , Tereza Pánková , Tomáš Liška    Writer / Radim Špaček    DoP / David Čálek    Editor / Lucie Haladová    Sound / Martin Vrzal    Music / Martin Vrzal

Czech Film Center
division of the Czech Film Fund promoting Czech cinema worldwide

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