The Mystery of Sklep Theater - A Guide to Saving the World

The Mystery of Sklep Theater - A Guide to Saving the World
Tajemství Divadla Sklep aneb Manuál na záchranu světa

Czech Republic / 2016 / 100 min

The Mystery of Sklep Theater - A Guide to Saving the World
Tajemství Divadla Sklep aneb Manuál na záchranu světa

Czech Republic / 2016 / 100 min

The film dedicated to one of the Prague cult theatre groups – the Sklep theatre, founded in 1971, maps the past and the present of this special artistic stage of admirably long existence and persistence. Sklep theatre is known for its truly original approach to theatre and its pieces are loved by generations of fans. The film brings the portraits of its founders David Vávra and Milan Šteindler, as well as other members - Tomáš Hanák, Václav Marhoul, Aleš Najbrt, Eva Holubová, and Jiří Macháček, who are simultaneously active and important personalities of the Czech cinema and art.

Writer / Olga Dabrowská    DoP / Diviš Marek    Editor / Jakub Voves    Sound / Jiří Klenka    Music / Ivan Acher


Czech Film Center
division of the Czech Film Fund promoting Czech cinema worldwide



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