
Who's Who in Mycology

Who's Who in Mycology
Kdo je kdo v mykologii

Czech Republic, United States, 2016, 15 min

Who's Who in Mycology
Kdo je kdo v mykologii

Czech Republic, United States, 2016, 15 min

Tony, a young trombone player in a brass band, leads a humdrum life. He plays the same music over and over every night. But this night will turn out to be special. While playing his solo, a tipsy female dancer collapses on the dance floor. Tony ends up taking her home. After he drops her on the sofa in her shabby living room he needs a drink. He doesn’t pay attention to the weird mold stains on the walls, or to the large crooked bookcase stuffed with hundreds of books with the same title. All he cares for is to find a corkscrew and open the bottle of wine standing on the table. Once he does his life turns upside down. When the night is over he is forced to commit the ultimate act of courage.

Cast / Joel Brady , Johana Schmidtmajerová    Writer / Micah Schaffer , Marie Dvořáková , Tony Hendra    DoP / Martin Žiaran    Sound / Roman Čadek    Music / Phil Servati


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Czech Film Center
division of the Czech Film Fund promoting Czech cinema worldwide



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