
Czech out the Moon

Czech out the Moon
Čechové na měsíci

Czech Republic, 2012, 7 min

Czech out the Moon
Čechové na měsíci

Czech Republic, 2012, 7 min

The story of Czech out the Moon is based on a fictional memory from the director's childhood, in which his dreams come true. It begins on the tenth birthday of a boy who makes a wish to be the first "man" on the Moon. His wish comes true, but the family trip is far from ideal. Nobody thought "In space we are not alone." The story was inspired by authentic memories and is an allegory of leaving one's homeland.

Cast / Linda Petáková , Lukáš Pavlásek , Kamil Halbich , Tilen Kozamejl    Writer / Matěj Mráz    DoP / Vidu Gunaratna    Editor / Nicole Hálová    Sound / Barbora Hovorková

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Czech Film Center
division of the Czech Film Fund promoting Czech cinema worldwide



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