13 January 2020
The animated puppet drama Daughter by Daria Kashcheeva, student of the Department of Animated Film at FAMU, which was co-produced by MAUR film, was selected as one of the last five finalists in the Animated Short Film category.
Daria Kashcheeva continues in a series of fantastic achievements. In the past months, her film, Daughter, won the major prize at the world’s biggest animation film festival in Annecy, the student Oscar and it was also invited to more than 60 festivals all over the world, including Toronto IFF, Sundance IFF, Melbourne IFF or Tallinn BNFF.
„Thanks to the Department of Animation, FAMU is experiencing its most glorious era in its recent history. Films made in this department were represented in the leading world festivals – Rotterdam, Berlinale, Annecy, Venice, Sundance. The nomination of Daughter for the „adult“ Oscar is the culmination of this journey,“ remarks the Dean of FAMU Zdeněk Holý on Daughter’s success.
With 15 minutes long drama Daughter, Daria Kashcheeva became the third ever Czech / Czechoslovak author who has been nominated for an Oscar in this category. 60 years ago, František Vystrčil has earned the nomination with A Place In the Sun, and in 1992, Michaela Pavlátová’s Words, Words, Words was also one of "best five" animated shorts of the year, according to the Academy.
One more nomination involves the Czech Republic this year. In 2018, Taika Watiti’s Jojo Rabbit has been completely shot in the Czech Republic thanks to the Incentive Programme, and now the film has earned 6 Oscar nominations. One went for production design by Ra Vincent and Czech artist Nora Sopková (set decoration).
92th Academy Awards will be held in Los Angeles on February 9, 2020.
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