Documentary focusing on the happiest and most productive years of Czech composer Karel Svoboda, known for his life spanning collaboration with the legendary singer Karel Gott. Starting a career in the turbulent 1960s´ Prague, Karel Svoboda, thanks to his talent, was able to push through the iron curtain, composing film music, giving his musical voice to Maya, the Honeybee and other German-Japanese co-productions. Seen from the perspective of his son, director Petr Klein Svoboda, we will take a closer look at the composer not only as a professional but also as a father and a friend. From the Russian-invaded Czechoslovakia to Velvet-revolution, we will discover both his professional and personal life.
Writer / Petr Klein Svoboda DoP / Jan Kadeřábek , Petr Klein Svoboda Editor / Michal Novák Sound / Zdeněk Klement Music / Karel Svoboda