Preparations for Film T

Preparations for Film T
Přípravy k filmu T

Czech Republic / 2021 / 93 min
Documentary, Experimental

Preparations for Film T
Přípravy k filmu T

Czech Republic / 2021 / 93 min
Documentary, Experimental

The categorical, intransigent end of the world pronouncements of Petr Kral impress me as much as his composure. There is really no place for lament, at least as long as there can be certain moments stolen from the world, be they at first impression meaningless or ridiculous. This is the task of the film (no greater is necessary). For a while now, I have been systematically collecting moments, completely without any system. This is the first small stock-taking, everything is only beginning (well, this world excepting).

Cast / Adam Čepelák , Ivan Kunc , Diviš Votoček , Darja Míková , Anna Brabcová    Writer / Milan Klepikov    DoP / Jiří Holba    Editor / Jiří Holba

Czech Film Center
division of the Czech Film Fund promoting Czech cinema worldwide



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