Helena, a bit quirky single mother and owner of a bio café, is weary of her partner's promises of spending Christmas with her and their 8-year-old son Mikuláš. Prompted by her aunt Ela, Helena with Mikuláš leave Prague to spend Christmas in the mountains. Due to her own absent-mindedness and a twist of fate, she finds herself instead of a luxurious hotel in a mountain cottage called Loneliness, where mountaineer Richard practices adrenaline sports. The loner lives with his little daughter Zuza and a very sociable brother Mišo. And unsuspecting Helena doesn´t know yet about her loving mother´s plan to make her disapproving father join Helena in the mountain resort too. It's Christmas time and family should be together!
Cast / Anna Polívková , Martin Dejdar , Marek Němec , Jana Preissová , Boleslav Polívka , Jana Krausová Writer / Hana Cielová , Lenka Kny Story / Hana Cielová DoP / Michael Baumbruck Editor / Alois Fišárek Sound / Ján Ravasz , Martin Merc Music / Michal Pavlíček Costumes / Pavla Michálková Make-Up / Martina Selenekovičová Set Designer / Otto Hausler
Email: info@filmcenter.cz