Drama inspired by the life and personal development of Václav Havel, prominent Czech playwright/ dissident/president. The film focuses on Havel's transformation from successful, later banned, playwright of the late 60s into human rights fighter in the 70s, leading to his presidency in the late 80's. A drama of self-doubting intellectual, torn between his own passions and self-imposed duties. From careless bohemian, Havel grows into mature personality, realizing the uniqueness of the opportunity he is given, but also the huge responsibility he has to accept. Both for the greater good and to prove his worth - above all to himself.
Cast / Viktor Dvořák , Anna Geislerová , Martin Hofmann , Barbora Seidlová , Stanislav Majer , Jiří Bartoška Writer / Rudolf Suchánek , Slávek Horák DoP / Jan Šťastný Editor / Vladimír Barák Sound / Viktor Prášil , Pavel Rejholec Music / Petr Malásek Costumes / Natálie Steklová Make-Up / Adriana Bartošová Set Designer / Vladimír Hruška
Email: info@filmcenter.cz