Is Everyone Right? Karel Floss and the Others

Is Everyone Right? Karel Floss and the Others
Všichni mají pravdu? Karel Floss a ti druzí

Czech Republic / 2015 / 120 min

Is Everyone Right? Karel Floss and the Others
Všichni mají pravdu? Karel Floss a ti druzí

Czech Republic / 2015 / 120 min

A multi-portrait of the history of post-1989 Czech ideas and sensibilities, centered around left-wing Christian philosopher Karel Floss. Circling his ideas on God, truth, and politics like satellites are statements by strongly antithetical individuals including Milan Knížák, Ondřej Slačálek, Noam Chomsky and Czech nationalist thinkers. Working with a subtle sense of irony, the film is openly inspired by the style of Karel Vachek as it makes use of semantic counterpoints, situational humour and aloof formal elements. The result is a kind of audiovisual riverbed for channelling the fury of a nation that recalls a child that is just learning to think and does not know what to relate to first, because in a certain sense, basically “everyone is right”. (IDFF Jihlava)

Writer / Helena Všetečková    DoP / Helena Všetečková , Jan Březina , Vojtěch Votýpka , Urban Arsenjuk , Helena Papírníková    Editor / Helena Všetečková    Sound / Helena Papírníková


Czech Film Center
division of the Czech Film Fund promoting Czech cinema worldwide



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