A troupe of travelling performers lands on an island governed by a despotic ruler with strict police control. When, during their performance, a shot fired from circus cannon goes astray, it triggers a series of unexpected events. A young man and woman, Drin and Tuvi, and Nathan the seagull enter into an uneven struggle with totalitarian power. A struggle which eventually changes the fates of all the island inhabitants – both human and feathered.
Cast / Vladimír Javorský , Matouš Ruml , Antonie Formanová , Karin Vápeníčková , Miroslav Táborský , Petr Forman Writer / Jan Balej , Michal Bureš Story / Jan Balej DoP / Martin Procházka Editor / Tomáš Doruška Sound / Jan Čeněk Music / Daniel Wunsch Costumes / Radka Balejová Animator / Jan Štencl , Jiří Krupička , Michael Carrington
Email: info@filmcenter.cz