Colors of Sand

Colors of Sand
Barvy písku

Slovakia, Czech Republic / 2015 / 80 min

Colors of Sand
Barvy písku

Slovakia, Czech Republic / 2015 / 80 min

Time-lapse documentary about the dramatic fate of the Slovak-Libyan family in Libya. The heroine Luba El Malaheg who converted to Islam, works as a nurse in Misrata. After her husband’s death, she stays with her family in Libya. When the war comes, she is confronted with unexpected situations and has to take unexpected decisions. Luba is seeking her place in the world and questions her own identity, being on the border of two worlds. The film gives a detailed insight into the Muslim world from a European woman’s viewpoint.

Writer / Ladislav Kaboš    DoP / Ladislav Kaboš    Editor / Darina Smržová    Sound / Bohumil Martinák    Music / Martin Dohnal


Czech Film Center
division of the Czech Film Fund promoting Czech cinema worldwide



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