N is the director of a honey bottling factory producing fake honey. One day, he tastes real honey and his entire life changes radically. He leaves his factory, settles down in a valley and starts breeding bees. But his bees get chased away and killed by the harmful effects of a nearby mobile phone tower. He falls in love with L, the daughter of the director of a mobile phone company. Their legal fight to save the bees is unsuccessful. N's last bee dies. N leaves his farm and L leaves her father and joins N. They start attacking everything that might endanger the bees.
Cast / Krisztián Kovács , Martina Krátká , Udo Kier Writer / Gyula Nemes , Tamás Beregi DoP / Balázs Dobóczi Editor / Péter Politzer Sound / Tamás Zányi Music / Albert Márkos , Kopir Rozsywal Bestar , Antonio Vivaldi , Dicko Boubacar , Dicko Issiaka
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