In a small village in the mountains of Moravia lives Maruna (35), who works at the local pub, takes care of her dictatorial mother, and has several affairs among the local men without, however, finding love. Maruna's sister is more ambitious, and when she has a chance to leave the village she takes it. For Maruna, the village is her destiny - one that she can never be separated from. Also living in this sleepy hollow are two forest workers who share the same woman, with whom they live together in an old cottage. The whole village knows their arrangement, and in a way tolerates it. But one day, the woman disappears and is later found murdered. For just a moment, the village's usual calm atmosphere is disturbed, but otherwise everything remains in its routine. When Maruna gets pregnant, she suddenly realizes that her life is too much like her mother's. The circle is closed.
Cast / Lenka Krobotová , Jaroslav Plesl , Martin Myšička , Tatiana Dyková , Hynek Čermák , Johanna Tesařová , Lukáš Latinák , Ján Kožuch , David Novotný , Simona Babčáková , René Přibil , Ivan Trojan , Klára Melíšková Writer / Miroslav Krobot , Lubomír Smékal DoP / Jan Baset Střítežský Editor / Jan Daňhel Sound / Viktor Ekrt , Marek Hart
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