A black comedy with a touch of detective genre starts with the return of two main characters, childhood friends Michal and Adam, to their hometown, where Michal's mother was found drowned in the lake Krasno some years ago. His father, whom Michal suspects to be somehow involved in his mother's death, dies on the very day they return. Michal and Adam decide to get to the bottom of the mystery. The plots around the heritage and unexplained death bring a series of cynical, sometimes funny, but always tangled situation. The wheels of unstoppable disaster are turning faster and faster.
Cast / Ondřej Malý , Jana Krausová , Ondřej Sokol , Jaroslav Plesl , Karel Roden , Zuzana Stavná , Martin Finger Writer / Ondřej Sokol , Petr Vydra , Martin Finger DoP / Tomáš Sysel Editor / Šimon Hájek Sound / Tomáš Bělohradský
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