At the beginning of their careers Oskar, Max and Viktor created a superstar clown trio called The Busters. Their clownery personified little islands of freedom in the midst of a motionless swamp of resignation during the communist regime of the former Czechoslovakia. An explosive disagreement, however, led to the three clowns breaking up. As it turns out, the clowns, beloved by the nation, can’t stand each other. Now, after thirty years in exile, Oskar returns to end his artistic career in Prague. The meeting with his former friends leads to an unavoidable confrontation. Will the glimmer of the former sunshine days create a spark that will set them on fire again? Even after all this time the question remains the same: who will have the last laugh?in? Even after all this time the question remains the same: who will have the last laugh?
Cast / Didier Flamand , Oldřich Kaiser , Eva Jeníčková , Kati Outinen , Jiří Lábus , Taťjana Medvecká Writer / Petr Jarchovský DoP / Milan Chadima Editor / Alois Fišárek Sound / Lukáš Moudrý Set Designer / Jan Kadlec ml.