A poignant story about a young girl named Dorotka, who hails from eastern Slovakia. Full ofdetermination and naive expectations regarding her new life; she takes on the job of a seamstress in a small factory on the Czech-German border town of Aš. Due to the consequences of her own decisions, she is faced with a grim reality in the westernmost corner of the Czech Republic. Aš is a meeting point for people from both sides of the border. The girls who come to work in the factories would like to earn an honest and decent living, while the relatively well off Germans are in search of an inexpensive good time. Aš is like a Babylon of languages and morals, which are quickly broken down. "It was important for me to capture the motivations of the girls regarding harsh, life altering decisions and their surroundings, in a most authentic manner. These decisions may seem as amoral when looked at simply from the surface.
Cast / Silvia Halušicová , Robin Horký , Dorotka Bílá Writer / Iveta Grófová , Marek Leščák DoP / Viera Bačíková Editor / Maroš Šlapeta Sound / Tobias Potočný
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