
Tady hlídám já

Czech Republic / 2012 / 107 min

Tady hlídám já

Czech Republic / 2012 / 107 min

A family movie for all generations whose aim is not only to entertain viewers, but also to open their hearts to understanding human relationships. It shows how a child can feel lonely in a society, even though her family is apparently taking good care of her. Kathy, a restless eight-year-old girl, gets a dachshund named Hugo from her grandfather Mojmir. The dog acts as her friend and guardian and helps Kathy to get rid of her ruthless stepfather while together they have a positive influence on everyone around them.

Cast / Simona Stašová , Pavel Nový , Vladimír Javorský , Veronika Divišová , Lukáš Vaculík , Klára Jandová , Jitka Ježková    Writer / Petr Kazda , Petra Ušelová , Juraj Šajmovič    DoP / Jaroslav Ptáčník    Editor / Miloš Málek , Petr Šajner    Sound / Ondřej Konvička


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