The story of Habermann’s Mill, based on actual events, unfolds ina small village in the Sudetenland between 1938, the year of theMunich Agreement, and 1945, when the war ends and the expulsionbegins. Although this story took place over sixty years ago, itsexigency has not diminished over time. If we want to understand thepresent, we need to know the past. This story shows one of thedarkest chapters in Czech-German relations. The atrocitiesaccompanying the expulsion remain a taboo subject today. ManyCzechs would rather not see them recalled, many Germans hold theopinion that injustices were perpetrated that have never beenredressed. Meanwhile, however, a new generation has been born witha strong need to clarify the past, and that is what this film is about.
Cast / Ben Becker , Andrej Hryc , Jan Hrušínský , Radek Holub , Hannah Herzsprung , Mark Waschke , Zuzana Kronerová , Oldřich Kaiser , Wilson Gonzales Ochsenknecht , Karel Roden Writer / Wolfgang Limmer , Josef Urban Story / Josef Urban DoP / Alexander Šurkala Editor / Melanie Werwie Sound / Tomáš Bělohradský Music / Elia Cmíral
Release date / 06 October 2010