A feature-length documentary following, over the span of 20 years, the fate of a Czech criminal – and author – as it unfolds against the political transformation of Central Europe. A heartfelt documentary of raw authenticity, it sets forth the unbelievable life-story of a young man who, from the age of 17, has been followed by a film camera as his life has taken him in and out of prison. Surprisingly he discovers success as an author, though he remains a sick man, a criminal incapable of rehabilitation.
Writer / Helena Třeštíková DoP / Ondřej Belica , Miroslav Souček , Petr Pešek , Marek Dvořák , Václav Smolík , Vlastimil Hamerník , Martin Kubala , Stano Slušný Editor / Jakub Hejna Sound / Vladimír Nahodil , Jan Valouch , Miroslav Šimčík , Pavel Sádek , Václav Hejduk
Email: info@filmcenter.cz