This romantic comedy presents a story of two women, twenty-year-old Laura, an editor at a woman’s weekly, and her widowed mother, a translator-interpreter named Jana. The two of them tirelessly seek Mr. Right. Having once lived through an intense relationship with a ‘typical’ Czech man, Jana intentionally avoids Czech men. She searches for her dream foreigner while long-sufferingly warding off the tragicomic advances of her good-natured neighbor Žemla. After several unsuccessful attempts, Laura falls in love with Oliver, a forty year old who works as an ad agency idea man. Little does she suspect that twenty years ago Oliver was Jana’s true love…
Cast / Jaromír Nosek , Miroslav Donutil , Stella Zázvorková , Marek Vašut , Ladislava Něrgešová , Zuzana Kanóczová , Simona Stašová , David Švehlík Writer / Michal Viewegh Story / Michal Viewegh DoP / Petr Hojda Editor / Jan Mattlach Sound / Radim Hladík jr. Music / Eric Capone , Michel Eli , Jerome Degay Costumes / Jitka Matiášková Set Designer / Petr Fořt