The film Divided We Fall is a black comedy abounding with unexpected turns of events, relating the story of compassionate heroes, decent people and traitors. It also portrays the force of the zest for life as well as that of apathetic passiveness. In this story, inspired by true events, all the principal characters save their own lives for what are often conflicting and contraversial reasons. Heroism and collaboration, magnanimity and cowardice are all intertwined, which makes it difficult, even impossible to pass categorical judgments.
Cast / Boleslav Polívka , Jaroslav Dušek , Richard Tesařík , Martin Huba , Csongor Kassai , Vladimír Marek , Anna Šišková , Jiří Kodet , Simona Stašová , Jiří Pecha Writer / Petr Jarchovský DoP / Jan Malíř Editor / Vladimír Barák Sound / Karel Jaroš Music / Aleš Březina Costumes / Katarína Hollá Set Designer / Milan Býček