Agatha, written and directed by Dan Krameš, is based on the short stories by A. P. Chekhov, linked together by the delicate tension of small interpersonal dramas. The three stories express a strong sense of atmosphere and describe different views on the secrets of love. Agatha experiences it with her lover, young Volodia in a strange game with a mature woman, and the Huntsman, a worldly man of forty, refuses to spend even a day with his lawful wife he had married in a drunken stupor.
Cast / Jiří Ornest , Zuzana Bydžovská , Michal Dosedla , David Prachař , Radka Fidlerová , Michaela Dolinová , Jan Vlasák , Eva Salzmanová Writer / Dan Krameš Story / A.P. Čechov DoP / Radek Chmel Editor / Petr Svoboda , Petr Staněk Sound / Pavel Dvořák Music / Karol Szymanowski