The writing-directing debut for Prague Film Academy (FAMU) student Radim Špaček. Shot on location during the military conflict in Bosnia, the drama focuses on a Czech journalist reporting on the situation in Sarajevo. The austere style, most effective in raw documentary scenes of young Sarajevans offering testimony, made the filmmaker one of the most promising talents of the nineties.
Cast / Adnan Hasovič , Rijaci Ljutovič , Marek Brodský , Alexandra Subotičová , Zdravko Grebo , Adi Sarajlič Writer / Radim Špaček Story / Radim Špaček DoP / Radim Špaček Editor / Jiří Brožek , Radim Špaček Sound / Nezir Trgo Music / Ognjen Šavija , Neboj Šavija