This psychological thriller by Milan Cieslar, based on a novel by Ladislav Mňačko, captures a collapse of the existing world of a young competition marksman who cannot bear the pressure of his ambitious parents and in passion shoots two policemen. The investigation gradually reveals problematic family background of the young murderer and points to the reasons of his failure.
Cast / Miluše Šplechtová-Hrušínská , Marek Vašut , Josef Vinklář , Ota Šrámek , Juraj Kukura , Michal Dlouhý , Ivo Pavelek , Ivana Christová , Jaroslav Tomsa Writer / Milan Cieslar , Jon Jorlim , Dušan Kukal Story / Ladislav Mňačko DoP / Petr Hojda Editor / Věra Flaková Sound / Radim Štětina Music / Zbyněk Matějů