I, Olga Hepnarova

I, Olga Hepnarova
Já, Olga Hepnarová

Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, France / 2016 / 105 min
Fiction / Debut

I, Olga Hepnarova
Já, Olga Hepnarová

Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, France / 2016 / 105 min

Olga Hepnarova was a young, lonely lesbian outsider from a cold-hearted family who couldn’t play the part society desired of her. Her paranoid self-examination and inability to connect with other people eventually drove her over the edge of humanity when she was only twenty-two years old. The film shows the human being behind the mass murderer without glorifying or downplaying the terrible crime she committed. Guided by her letters the makers delve into Olga’s psyche and witness the worsening of her loneliness and alienation as they reconstruct the events that led up to her disastrous actions.

Cast / Michalina Olszańska , Martin Pechlát , Klára Melíšková , Marika Šoposká , Juraj Nvota , Martin Finger , Marta Mazurek , Ondřej Malý , Petra Nesvačilová , Ivan Palúch , Gabriela Míčová , Zuzana Stavná    Writer / Petr Kazda , Tomáš Weinreb    Story / Roman Cílek    DoP / Adam Sikora    Editor / Vojtěch Frič    Sound / Richard Müller , Petr Kapeller    Music / Marián Varga    Costumes / Aneta Grňáková    Make-Up / Alina Janerka    Set Designer / Alexandr Kozák


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