Anthropoid is based on the extraordinary true story of Operation Anthropoid, the World War II mission to assassinate SS General Reinhard Heydrich. The Reich’s third in command after Hitler and Himmler, Heydrich was the main architect behind the Final Solution and the leader of occupying Nazi forces in Czechoslovakia whose reign of terror prompted self-exiled Czech and Slovak soldiers to hatch a top-secret mission that would change the face of Europe forever.
Cast / Jamie Dornan , Cillian Murphy , Anna Geislerová , Charlotte Le Bon , Toby Jones , Alena Mihulová , Václav Neužil , Jiří Šimek , Harry Lloyd , Marcin Dorociński , Bill Milner , Sam Keeley , Misch Boyko , Andrej Polák Writer / Sean Ellis , Anthony Frewin DoP / Sean Ellis Editor / Richard Mettler Sound / Yves-Marie Omnes Music / Robin Foster Costumes / Josef Čechota Make-Up / Gabriela Poláková , Linda Eisenhamerová Set Designer / Morgan Kennedy