Endless Borders

Endless Borders
Nekonečná hranice

Germany, Czech Republic, Iran / 2023 / 111 min

Endless Borders
Nekonečná hranice

Germany, Czech Republic, Iran / 2023 / 111 min

The rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan has once again reignited the fire of ethnic and tribal wars. Fragments of the Hazara tribe who have long been targeted and killed by the Taliban have sought refuge along the Iranian border. The Hazara enter Iran illegally. The story of this film takes place between a small town in Iran and a village on the border with Afghanistan. Ahmad, a passionate Iranian teacher who uses education as a mean to wage war against ignorance and prejudice, becomes aware of the lack of love in his life and education upon acquainting the Hazara tribe. In this story, along with Ahmad who is also a victim of the false misconceptions, and the harsh and strict restraints of a traditional society, we become aware of the importance and power of love in face of prejudices.

Cast / Porya Rahimisam , Mino Sharifi , Behafarid Ghaffarian , Hamed Alipour    Writer / Abbas Amini , Houssain Farokhzadeh    DoP / Saman Lotfian    Editor / Haideh Safiyari    Music / Atena Eshtiaghi


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