In a world threatened by a solar fragment flying to Earth, an 18-year-old boy gets stranded on his way to a cabin in an unknown city. A series of bizarre adventures force him to confront his greatest fears - reconciling with the reality of a twisted world, himself, and his father.
Cast / Vincent Hospodářský , Zdeňka Petrová , Milan Mikulčík , Ivana Uhlířová , Tereza Dočkalová , Václav Kopelec Writer / Albert Hospodářský Story / Albert Hospodářský DoP / Tomáš Uhlík Editor / Ondřej Nuslauer Sound / Václav Kopelec Music / Jan Tomáš Costumes / Helena Tavelová Make-Up / Magdalena Vaverková Set Designer / Antonín Matějovský , Matěj Sýkora