Shooting in Czech Republic


1. Production Value. Czech locations, facilities and crews offer outstanding production value so more of your money ends up on the screen. Advantageous exchange rates push your budget even further. What’s more, the Czech Republic is conveniently nestled in the heart of Europe, so shooting here is no hardship.

2. Capacity of the Industry. The Czech Republic has enough studio space, equipment and crew to handle multiple productions of various sizes at the same time. Abundant locations, stages of all sizes and world-class post facilities are ready for your production.

3. Production Incentives. International film and TV productions can qualify for cash rebates of 20 % of local spend, plus additional rebates for international cast and crew. Since the rebate was introduced in 2010, by the end of 2021 it has supported 386 film and TV projects and paid out CZK 7.03 billion (USD 329.4 million/EUR 287.4 million).

4. Best Practice. We’ve been busy shooting films since filmmaking began. Thanks to the large amount of film work done here in recent years, the Czech film industry has integrated the most up-to-date production technologies and standards. Many highly experienced production companies are ready to help you.

5. Experienced Crews. International film productions enjoy working with local crews, and often everyone up to and including department heads are Czech nationals. Local crews are committed, creative film professionals who never hold back. They’re good with languages too – English, French and German, among other languages, are frequently spoken on set.

6. Variety of Locations. Broad diversity, easily accessible locations and the ability to shoot four distinct seasons are just a few of the reasons filmmakers keep returning to the Czech Republic. Our historic architecture lets our cities double for Paris, London or nearly any other European city.

7. Film Infrastructure. Prague has state-of-the-art equipment, adaptable backlots and several stages close to downtown. Czech post production facilities use high-end industry technologies to deliver award-winning effects for film, commercials and music videos.

8. Skilled Creatives. Czech crews have fulfilled the visions of some of today’s most demanding production designers. Our skilled and creative crews have immense resources at their disposal. Superbly crafted Czech sets, costumes, vehicles and weapons for all historical periods offer limitless options and considerable savings.

9. Fun Place To Be On Your Day Off.  Prague is one of the most frequented destinations in Europe, with stunning historical landmarks, museums, and musical venues. Its restaurants, hotels and nightlife will please even the most demanding VIPs. And if you want a quick getaway, there are numerous daily flights to major European cities.

10. We Speak Filmmaking. The Czech Film Commission is an integral part of the local industry. We can provide you with the necessary contacts and connect you with the right partners to make your project a success. Our expert team has years of experience providing information and advice to producers looking for the best value for their projects.

Learn more at Czech Film Commission

Czech Film Center

Dukelských hrdinů 530/47
170 00 Prague 7
Czech Republic