Role Model

Role Model

Slovenia, Czech Republic, Italy, Serbia / 2023 / 98 min

Role Model

Slovenia, Czech Republic, Italy, Serbia / 2023 / 98 min

Maja (45) and Jan (14), mother and son, live in an apartment building in a small, unnamed town. Recently divorced, Maja is a psychologist at a primary school, which Jan attends. The film starts in the last days of April during the pandemic. Jan is extremely lonely, hurt by his parent's divorce, and suffering abuse in school. His new schoolmate is Jakob, who tried to commit suicide unsuccessfully. Maja is in charge of Jakob’s rehabilitation, but Jakob is a part of a gang that terrorizes the school, especially Jan. Jan finds solace in a mysterious man, also named JAN, who is living in a flat opposite his and is as violent as he is infantile. Meanwhile, Maja starts to drink again, feeling lost and pressured by newcomer Neja, a chillingly kind and competitive young psychologist.

Cast / Mojca Funkl , France Mandić , Jure Henigman , Vesna Pernarčič , Klara Kuk    Writer / Nejc Gazvoda , Tomislav Zajec    Story / Nejc Gazvoda    DoP / Jan Šuster    Editor / Andrej Avanzo    Sound / Boštjan Kačičnik , Matteo Di Simone , Valeria Cocuzza    Music / Janja Lončar , Maja Ćurčić    Costumes / Katarina Šavs    Make-Up / Anita Ferčak    Set Designer / Iris Čeh


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