Marie (45 years old) is a Romani woman, mother of three children and lives an orderly life with her husband Enrik (50 years old), who is trying to get her family and the wider community out of the spiral of poverty that afflicts them. Iveta (35 years old) is Marie's sister and is referred to by many as her complete opposite. She has nine children, but she cannot take care of them due to her addiction to meth. The upcoming film Dajori (which means Mother in Romani) tells the story of how Marie takes care of her relatives at a time when they could not keep a roof over their heads. While dealing with this problem, another one arises when they find out that two of Iveta's children have been taken into foster care.
Dop / Martin Páv Editor / Matěj Beran Sound / Adam Bláha Story / Nicolas Kourek Writer / Martin Páv , Nicolas Kourek
Completion date / August 2024