The Pack

The Pack

Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia / 2020 / 94 min

The Pack

Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia / 2020 / 94 min

Skate blades cut the surface of the ice. Shadows of hockey players swirl through the frozen spray, leaving deep scratches in the ice. David (16), a talented goalie, is placed in a new hockey team. He is determined to do everything he can to succeed. Too bad, the other goalie, Miky (16), is the coach´s son! And as if that wasn’t bad enough, the team doesn’t exactly welcome David with open arms. Maybe it’s because of the little plastic box pumping insulin into his body. However, David won’t let his diabetes get the better of him! He tries to stand up to the team’s unacceptance, bracing the avalanche of bullying. Those who don’t join in, don’t help. David tries to fight back but ends up making everything even worse. The injustice, humiliation and hurt keep piling up...

Cast / Tomáš Dalecký , Tomáš Mrvík , Anastázie Chocholatá , Denisa Biskupová , Jiří Vyorálek , Vlastina Svátková    Writer / Irena Kocí , Tomáš Polenský    Story / Irena Kocí , Tomáš Polenský    DoP / Andrejs Rudzāts    Editor / Michal Kondrla    Sound / Jan Paul    Music / Jakub Kudláč , Jēkabs Nīmanis    Costumes / Alexandra Grusková    Make-Up / Eva Ungrová Malíková    Set Designer / Jiří Zavadil


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