The comedy unfolds in the attractive environs of the neverending filming of a TV serial. The performance opens up with wonderful interplay of relationships, characters, situations, conflicts, big hopes and ambitious plans interwoven with a love motif. At the end of this bizarre story we are surprised by the harmony created from the discord of authentic human emotions. (source:
Cast / Leoš Noha , Zuzana Bydžovská , Marián Geišberg , Antonín Procházka , Vilma Cibulková , Jiří Mádl , Martin Stránský , Filip Kaňkovský , Ladislav Mrkvička , Robert Jašków , Andrea Ružičková , Monika Horváthová Writer / Petr Hudský , Jiří Mádl DoP / Martin Duba Editor / Jakub Vansa Sound / Pavel Dvořák Music / Zdenek Merta