Czech Republic , Movie

Adam Dvořák

Producer , Writer , Editor , Film Contact


Female Factor

2022, Editor

Birthday Wishes

2022, Writer, Editor, Film Contact, Producer

Wishes to Santa

2021, Film Contact, Producer, Editor

Spliff-up and Split

2021, Editor

Far Too Personal

2020, Editor

The One Who Loved You

2018, Film Contact, Producer, Editor


2018, Editor


2017, Editor

Husband for Hour

2016, Editor

Gangster Ka

2015, Producer, Editor

Lousy Bastards

2014, Editor

Husband to Rent

2014, Editor

Martin and Venus

2013, Producer, Editor

You Kiss Like Devil

2012, Editor

Waking Up Yesterday

2012, Editor


2011, Producer, Editor

You Kiss Like God

2009, Editor

The Grapes 2

2009, Producer, Editor

Hell with Princess

2009, Editor


2008, Producer, Editor

Little Girl Blue

2007, Editor

The Rafters

2006, Producer, Editor

Money Makes Man

2006, Editor

The New Breed

2005, Editor


2004, Editor

Some Secrets

2002, Editor

Czech Film Center
division of the Czech Film Fund promoting Czech cinema worldwide



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